dreams came true

Hi, I'm Dan Vrana.

Everybody is living own dream. My one is about emotions, aims and self-realisation. As a teenager I loved all high speed activities as bicycles or ski and dreamed a lot about cars. Later on, cars interest have grown into a lifelong passion. My first car, 25 years old and very faulty limo, realised my dream about independent mobility.  I longed about a better car, I wanted to travel, I had to be constantly mobile and I loved living in motion. Therefore I have started an automotive life, realising my dreams and aims come true.

an affair of the heart

I became part of Japanese culture and adopted the Japanese style of work of the world's most valuable car brand. For more than eleven years, I associated with the brand, which is symbolized by precision, focus on quality and also red color. The knowledge gained from the years I worked for CZ&SK car importer in Product & Marketing team is the basis for my internal philosophy up to now. I still see the clever pillars of "kaizen" and "genchi genbutsu" behind my work in every context. 

Getting the responsibility to lead a car dealership before my thirty was a great challenge. For the owner of the company and for me as well. One of the strongest and the most pragmatic career stage, but also years of economic crisis. We have become one of the most important and the biggest  dealership for the brand in CZ&SK. We jointly managed to expand the number of showrooms and developed strong and loyal teams. The company was and is still awarded by the highest level of customers satisfaction. All this in the beautiful regions of southern Bohemia and Pilsner. 

beyond horizons

Headquarter experience. Czech green gold, German style of work and especially foreign experience. A successful brand with a winged arrow with simply clever approach. I expanded the newly defined distribution strategy to south European countries incl Turkey and Israel. I was responsible for sales & planning in selected markets of western Europe as a country manager. I represented the company abroad, steered the network and created new retail sales formats in Russia, where I lived three years.

 Representing the company in the Russian market, acclimatizing to local society and creating innovative retail solutions is generally fine "fain". However, implementing ideas from powerpoint into reality I call "difain". We have defined and launched a new unique interactive format for the dealer business and setup strong network catapulting sales records and outstanding financial results.

I wouldn't do anything in my career alone. I was always able to rely on a carefully formed and well-motivated team here in Czechia or in Russia. I gained the trust of brand top management and especially the most important  local business partners - investors.


keep living in motion

14 years for Japanese brand, 9 years for Czech brand with German owners. 17 years in leading positions. Great business experience in entire distribution chain (dealer - importer - headquarter), knowledge of many cultures. Strong international footprint in EU countries as well as in Russia and Middle East. Countless business and personal targets achievements.  

When I thought about the level of experience gained, achieved goals and the values of life, I decided to step out from the large corporate world and try to realise myself more independently. I created the difain, brand representing the next chapter of my professional life connected to the areas I like the most.

The smart business development with focus on automotive, mobility and its services are topics I can advise or present with my expertise. As a main role I lead the operations in family automotive dealership company in southwest region of Czechia.

Main areas I focus on:

  • general business direction
  • risks and opportunities in automotive
  • aimed people motivation  
  • basic customer experience principles 

with motto: work to stay fain!